Thursday, March 25, 2010

Florida Pitt Waller School

Hi all!

Today I spoke to the sixth-graders at Florida Pitt Waller School. The kids were great and have big dreams! I have high hopes that they will achieve them!

Here are some pictures. Click on them to enlarge:

Check back soon!

Until next time,



Charmaine Clancy said...

What a motivated girl you are! You are very inspirational with your writing but also with your focus on childrens' literacy issues.

Arlee Bird said...

Good job, Riley. Charmaine recommended that I take a look at what you are doing since I was posting about young bloggers today. You are setting a commendable example for your peers.

Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

Riley Carney said...

Thank you all for your support! I really appreciate it!